Pragmatic Guide To Subversion The Pragmatic Bookshelf Average ratng: 4,9/5 6319 votes
  • Pragmatic Guide to Subversion presents. - Selection from Pragmatic Guide to Subversion. Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf. Release Date: November 2010.
  • Dec 8, 2010 - O'Reilly Media is a Distributor for Pragmatic Bookshelf For. In 'Pragmatic Guide to Subversion' (Pragmatic Bookshelf, $25.00 USD), author.

Pragmatic Books

From: 'Dawn Mann' To: Subject: 'Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion' Released by Pragmatic Bookshelf Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 09:42:29 -0800 Subversion in the Starter Kit Raleigh, NC-The award-winning series, the Pragmatic Starter Kit, has a new addition: 'Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion.' Version control is the lifeblood of software projects, but it often becomes complicated and overly difficult. The original first volume of the Starter Kit solves that problem with a guide to getting started with version control, including simple recipes for managing day-to-day development tasks using CVS, a widely-used Open Source version control system. Now in 'Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion' (Pragmatic Bookshelf, $29.95 US, 0-9745140-6-3), author Mike Mason expands the original, award-winning CVS-based book to include a complete description of Subversion, an advanced, Open Source, modern version control system designed to replace CVS. Mike Mason tells us, 'This book can help your developers become more efficient-they'll work better as a team, and keep on top of software complexity.' Mike brings key points of version control workflow to life with real-world examples using Subversion.

Nov 12, 2010 - Pragmatic Guide to Subversion has everything I needed to get up and run. Programming, Pragmatic Bookshelf and the linking g device are.

The book also includes additional sections on installing Subversion, creating a repository, configuring network access, common, 'daily use' recipes, as well as more advanced topics such as tagging, branching, organizing your project and tracking third-party content. Because Subversion is a new technology, the book offers plenty of help for people getting started, and includes sections on migrating to Subversion from CVS, installing and networking Subversion, and administering a repository. Client-side tools, including GUI tools and IDE-integration plugins, are also covered. With this book, readers will: -Know how to undo bad decisions-directories, symlinks and even metadata are first-class objects and version controlled just like files.Learn how to share code safely, and work in parallel for maximum efficiency -Install Subversion using an Apache webserver or standalone server -Network and organize your repository effectively -Manage 3rd party code safely Readers just starting out with version control will appreciate this book-it covers the basics that they'll need to get their job done. But it's also suitable for people who've been using version control for years, as it contains simple solutions to replace their existing, overly-complicated workarounds. Finally it provides a straightforward guide to getting started with the increasingly-popular Subversion system: installing, networking and administering a repository.


Reviewer Praise: 'I expected a lot, but you surprised me with even more. Having used CVS for years I hesitated to try Subversion until now, although I knew it would solve many of the shortcomings of CVS. After reading your book, my excuses to stay with CVS disappeared. Oh, and coming from the Pragmatic Bookshelf this book is fun to read too.' -Steffen Gemkow, Managing Director, ObjectFab GmbH 'I'm a long-time user of CVS, and I've been skeptical of Subversion, wondering if it would ever be 'ready for prime time.' Thanks to Mike Mason for writing a clear, concise, gentle introduction to this new tool.

After reading this book, I'm actually excited about the possibilities for version control that Subversion brings to the table.' -David Rupp, Sr. Software Engineer, Great-West Life & Annuity Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion Mike Mason ISBN 0-9745140-6-3, 224 pages, $29.95 US, $43.95 CA, softcover Pragmatic Bookshelf Titles are distributed to bookstores internationally by O'Reilly Media, Inc. Additional Resources: Sample chapters, table of contents, and more information is available on the book's home page: About Pragmatic Bookshelf The Pragmatic Bookshelf features books written by developers for developers. Mlt 523 manitou operator manual. The titles continue the well-known Pragmatic Programmer style, and continue to garner awards and rave reviews.

Pragmatic Guide To Subversion The Pragmatic Bookshelf

The Pragmatic Programmer Pdf


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