After learning the information in this meeting guide, the serviceman will be able to: 1. 1987 xlh 883. Identify the ne w service and main tenance fea tures on the 'C' Series Sk id Steer Loa ders and Multi-Terrain Loaders; 2. Operate the ma chine using th e new controls for ma chine travel an d work tool functio ns; 3.
Service Training Meeting Guide (STMG). 'C' SERIES SKID STEER LOADERS 246C/256C/262C/272C MULTI TERRAIN LOADERS 277C/287C/297C. Caterpillar manuals at super low prices. Service, repair, parts and operator manuals all available with free shipping. Caterpillar offers service manuals, parts manuals and operation & maintenance manuals (OMMs). Find out where to get a copy today!
Operate the ins trument clu ster screen in the ope rator mode an d service mode; 4. Locate and ide ntify the new comp onents on the 'C' Seri es Skid Steer L oaders and Multi-Terrain Loaders; 5. Explain the basic operation of the ne w machine systems. Identify the new Cat ET screens used to diagnose the mac hine sy stems. STMG 'B' Series Skid Steer Loaders and Multi-Terrain Loaders - M a c h i n e S y s t e m s O p e r a t i o n S E R V 1 7 8 3 S a l e s g r a m - E x t r e m e D u t y P o w e r t r a i n ( X D P ) f o r C - S e r i e s S S L ' s: T E K Q 0 5 9 0 - 0 1 3044 and 3046 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n / T e s t i n g a n d A d j u s t i n g S E N R 6 4 5 7 D i s t r i b u t o r T y p e F u e l P u m p f o r 3 0 4 4 & 3 0 4 6 T i e r 2 E n g i n e s S E R V 1 7 7 7 Estimated Time: 8 Hours Visuals: 81 Handouts: 8 Form: SERV1833-01 Date: 07/08. INTRODUCTI ON.5 Similaritie s and Differe nces.8 OPERA TOR'S ST A TION.9 ENGINE.34 ELECTR ICAL SYSTEM.39 Interlock Strategy.47 POWER TRAIN.49 WORK TOOL HYDRAULIC SYSTEM.66 CTL UPDA TE.82 TIER 3 UP DA TE.84 CONCLUSION.85 VISUAL LIST.86 HYDRAULIC SCHEMA TIC COLOR CODE.87 HANDOUTS.88.