Honda Ridgeline Repair Guide

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Honda Ridgeline Repair Guide Average ratng: 4,6/5 7160 votes

This site will tel you about 2018 honda ridgeline repair manual Prices, 2018 honda ridgeline repair manual Redesign, and 2018 honda ridgeline repair manual Reviews. 2017 Honda Ridgeline - Owner's Manual (606 pages). Posted on 22 Jun, 2016 by Frank. Model: 2017 Honda Ridgeline. File size: 13.21 MB. Other 2017 Honda.

  1. Honda Ridgeline Parts Manual

Honda Ridgeline Parts Manual


Air conditioner doesn't work, emits a smell, blocked vents, weak air flow, heater doesn't produce heat, etc. Making It Easy Getting the repair info you need has never been easier. With your online Honda Ridgeline repair manual from RepairSurge, you can view the information on your computer or mobile device. Want to print it out?

You can do that too. You'll get the vehicle-specific info you need, along with a ton of supporting info and resources to help you fix your Ridgeline and other vehicles as well. Unlike a book, your online manual takes up no shelf space, and it gets updated whenever new information is released by the manufacturer.

This Haynes 42037 - DIY repair and service manual covers 2006-2014 Honda Ridgeline, 2003-2008 Honda Pilot and 2001-2007 Acura MDX models. The specific engines covered in this DIY service manual are:. 3.5 V6 SOHC engine. 3.7 V6 SOHC engine Complete maintenance, service and repair information for do-it-yourselfers based on a complete teardown and rebuild of a specific model. Book Excerpt: 2006-2014 Honda Ridgeline, 2003-2008 Honda Pilot, 2001-2007 Acura MDX Repair Manual DRIVELINE DIFFERENTIAL OIL SEALS REPLACEMENT (Refer to illustration 4.4). Raise the rear of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Place the transaxle in Neutral with the parking brake off.


Block the front wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling. Remove the driveaxle(s) (see Section 1). Pry the seal from the differential housing. Using a seal installer or a large deep socket as a drift, install the new oil seal. Drive it into the bore squarely and make sure it's completely seated (see illustration).

Lubricate the lip of the new seal with multi-purpose grease, then install the driveaxle. Be careful not to damage the lip of the new seal. Check the differential lubricant level and add some, if necessary, to bring it to the appropriate level (see Chapter 1). CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION 2001-2004 HONDA MODELS. The cruise control system maintains vehicle speed with an electrically-operated motor located in the engine compartment, which is connected to the throttle body by a cable.

The system consists of the cruise control module, the cruise control switches, the cruise control cable, the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) and the brake light switch. The cruise control system requires diagnostic procedures that are beyond the scope of this manual. Listed below are some general procedures that may be used to locate common problems. Check the fuses (see Section 3). Have an assistant operate the brake pedal while you check the operation of the brake lights (voltage from the brake light switch deactivates the cruise control). If the brake lights don't come on, or if they stay on all the time, correct the problem and retest the cruise control system. Visually inspect the control cable between the cruise control motor and the throttle body for free movement.

Replace it if necessary. Test drive the vehicle to determine if the cruise control is now working.

If it isn't, take it to a dealer service department or an automotive electrical specialist for further diagnosis. Subject: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Honda Ridgeline, Pilot, Acura MDX service, maintenance, and repair procedures.

ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 845 Haynes 42037.

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