2 Nd Year Lab Manual Ece

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Engineering practice lab manual for electronics. 1. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 1 P a g e MANGAYARKARASI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, MANGAYARKARASI NAGAR, PARAVAI, MADURAI 625 402.

  1. Ece Lab Manual
  2. Ece Lab Report

Year & Semester: II Year / III Semester. EC6311 – ANALOG AND DIGITAL. CIRCUITS LABORATORY. Read and Download 2 Nd Year Lab Manual Ece Free Ebooks in PDF format - LIMITS OF POWER PALADINS LEGACY 4 ELIZABETH MOON. Of ECE, Sir C.R. Reddy College of Engg. II/IV (B.E) ECE, I-SEM:: EDC Lab Manual. ELECTRONIC DEVICES CIRCUITS (EDC) - LAB.


Date Title of the Experiment Page No. Marks Awarded Signature 1 Study of basic Electronic components and equipment 4 1(A) Measurement of AC signal parameter 13 2 Study of Logic gates 18 3 Generation of Clock Signal 26 4 Soldering practice – Components Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB. 30 5 Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR 36 Total Marks Average Marks Lab Completed Date Signature NAME OF THE FACULTY: PADMANABAN.R DESIGINATION: ASST.PROFESSOR, ECE. Signature of the faculty Signature of the principal. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 3 P a g e ENGINEERING PRACTICE PART B - ELECTRONICS LAB LIST OF EXPERIMENTS AS PER SYLLABUS: 1. Study of Electronic components and equipments –Resistor color coding, measurement of AC signal parameter (peak-peak, RMS period, frequency) using CRO. Study of logic gates AND, OR, NOR,Ex-OR and NOT.

Generation of Clock Signal. Soldering practice – Components, Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 4 P a g e EX.

NO.1 STUDY OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENTS AIM: To study about the following electronic components and equipment. Resistor color coding (ii). Usage of CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) and Multimeter THEORY: ELECTRONICS: It is the branch of science, which relates to the conduction of electricity through a) vacuum, b) gases and c) semiconductors.

The electronic devices are fairly complex, they are made of simple components such as: Resistors, Capacitors, inductors, tube devices and semi-conductor devices. Resistors, capacitors and inductors come under passive components and tube devices and semi-conductor devices fall under active components. PASSIVE COMPONENTS RESISTORS: It is a passive electronic component, which exhibits the property of the ‘resistance’.

Resistance is a physical property of the material, which opposes the flow of current. Resistors are used in circuits to limit the flow of current or to provide a voltage drop. UNIT:. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 5 P a g e Ohms ( ) SYMBOL: TYPES Resistors are broadly classified in to two categories as 1) Fixed Resistors 2) Variable Resistors Fixed Resistors: Fixed resistors are those whose values cannot be changed after manufacturing.

Variable Resistors: Variable resistors are those whose values can be changed after manufacturing. (i) RESISTOR COLOUR CODING Resistance is coded to indicate the value and the Tolerance. For axial type resistors, four color bands are used as shown in figure. The first three color bands indicate the resistance value and the fourth one indicates the tolerance. The first colour band gives the first significant digit and second colour band gives the second significant digit. Third colour band is the multiplier and 2.2k RESISTOR. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 6 P a g e gives the number of zeros that is to be added to the numerical value obtained from the first two bands. The following table gives the colour and its numerical value. COLOUR NUMBER MULTIPLIER BLACK 0 100 BROWN 1 101 RED 2 102 ORANGE 3 103 YELLOW 4 104 GREEN 5 105 BLUE 6 106 VIOLET 7 107 GREY 8 108 WHITE 9 109 TOLERANCE CODE: BROWN COLOUR + 1% RED COLOUR + 2% GOLD COLOUR + 5% SILVER COLOUR + 10% NO COLOUR + 20%. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 7 P a g e CAPACITORS: A capacitor is a component that stores electric energy. It consists of two conducting plates, separated by an insulator.

The conducting surfaces are called electrodes and the insulating medium is called dielectric. UNIT: Farads SYMBOL: TYPES: In general capacitors are classified as  Fixed Capacitors  Variable Capacitors Fixed Capacitors: Fixed Capacitors are classified into several types depending upon the dielectric material used. Some of them are  Paper Capacitors  Film Capacitors  Mica Capacitors  Glass Capacitors  Ceramic Capacitors  Tantalum Capacitors. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 8 P a g e Variable Capacitors: Variable capacitors consist of a set of fixed plates and a set of movable plates with air as dielectric. The change of capacitance is obtained by changing the position of the moving plates with respect to fixed plates.  Trimmer Capacitors  Ceramic trimmer Capacitors  Mica trimming Capacitors INDUCTORS: Inductor is a component whose construction is simply a coil of wire. The property of a coil by which it opposes change in the value of current or flux through it due to the production of self-induced E.M.F. Is called inductance.

An inductor consists of a number of turns of wire used to introduce inductance into an electric circuit and produces magnetic flux. UNIT: Henrys SYMBOL: TYPES: 1. Fixed Inductors a) Air-core inductor b) Iron-core inductor c) Ferrite core inductor 2. Variable Inductors L1 INDUCTOR.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 9 P a g e ACTIVE COMPONENTS PN JUNCTION DIODE: A single piece of semiconductor, one half of which is P-type and the other half is N-type is known as PN junction diode. The plane dividing the two halves is known as PN junction diode.

Diode is an electronic component, which allows current to flow through it in one direction but not in opposite direction. The current is flowing through a diode, when the voltage on the positive is higher than the negative.

The main function of a diode is rectification. SYMBOL: ZENER DIODE: It is reversed biased PN junction diode, which is operated in break down region. It is used for meter protection and as voltage regulators. SYMBOL: D2 D1N4007 D3 DIODE ZENER. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 10 P a g e LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE): Light Emitting diodes have same properties as diode when forward biased. Their threshold voltage is 1.6V to 2.4V.LED’s use a special material, which emits light when current flows through it.

LED has a positive terminal (anode) and a negative terminal (cathode) just like regular diodes. Often, positive terminal is longer than negative terminal. SYMBOL: TRANSISTORS: It is a three terminal semiconductor device, consisting of two p-n junctions, formed by sand witching a thin layer of n-type semi-conductors between two layers of p-type semi-conductors. This type of transistor is known as p-n-p transistor. On the other hand, when a layer of p-type semi-conductor is sand witched between two layers of n-type semi-conductor material, it is known as n-p-n transistor.

E C E C B B SYMBOL P-N-P D4 LED P N P. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 11 P a g e E C E C B B SYMBOL N-P-N (ii) USAGE OF CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE AND MULTIMETER CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE The CRO is a versatile electronic testing and measuring instrument that allows the amplitude of the signal which may be voltage, current, power etc., to be displayed primarily as a function of time. It is used for voltage, frequency and phase angle measurement and also for examining the waveforms, from d.c or very low frequency to very high frequencies. CRO comprises the main sections of (i) Horizontal and vertical voltage amplifiers, (ii) Power supply circuits and (iii) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). APPLICATIONS:  Measurement of voltage  Measurement of current  Measurement of frequency  Measurement of phase difference N P N. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 12 P a g e MULTIMETER An instrument used to measure voltages, currents and resistances known as MULTIMETER. It is an indispensable instrument and can be used for measuring D.C. As well as A.C. Voltages and Currents. Multimeter is the most inexpensive equipment and can make various electrical measurements with reasonable accuracy. There are two types of multimeters - analog and digital.

The digital multimeter is commonly used in laboratory and workshop because of its high input resistance. APPLICATIONS:  For checking the circuit continuity.  For measuring D.C. Current flowing through the circuits.  For measuring D.C. Voltages across various resistors in electronic circuits.  For measuring A.C.

Voltage across power supply transformers.  For ascertaining whether or not open or short circuit exists in the circuits.

RESULT: Thus the study of basic electronic components have been studied. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 13 P a g e EX.NO: 1(a) MEASUREMENT OF AC SIGNAL PARAMETER AIM: To measure peak, RMS, peak to peak, period and frequency of an alternating quantity (sinusoidal voltage) by using CRO APPARATUS REQUIRED S.NO APPARATUS TYPE RANGE QUANTITY 1 CRO Dual 30MHz 1 2 Function Generator - 30MHZ 1 3 connecting wires -Few THEORY AC FUNDAMENTALS Alternating quantity: A quantity in which the magnitude and direction change with respect to time is called an alternating quantity.

Example: sinusoidal quantity Cycle One complete set of changes in magnitude and direction of any alternating quantity is called a cycle Period Time taken by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle is called period. Its unit is seconds.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 14 P a g e AC WAVEFORM: Fig.1.Wave form with amplitude and peak-peak voltage & time period. Fig.2.Wave form with peak voltage & RMS voltage. FREQUENCY: The number of cycles completed by an alternating quantity per second is called frequency. Its unit is Hertz. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 15 P a g e PEAK VALUE OR AMPLITUDE: The maximum value that an alternating quantity attains during a cycle is called peak value or Amplitude. There are positive and negative peak values. The magnitude between these two peaks is called peak-peak value. ROOT MEAN SQUARE VALUE (RMS): It is that value of direct current which when flows through the given circuit for a given amount of time produces same heat as that of an alternating current flowing through the same circuit for the same amount of time.It is also called as effective or virtual value.

RMS value of an alternating current can be determined as Irms =√ (I2 1 +I2 2 +I2 3. I2 n) / n TABULATION: S.No. Of divisions in X-axis of CRO monitor No. Of divisions in Y-axis of CRO monitor Voltage base reading (Volt) Time base reading ( m Sec) Peak value (Volt) Peak to Peak Value (Volt) RMS value (Volt) Time Period ( m Sec) Frequency (Hertz). Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 16 P a g e CALCULATION: Frequency =1/ time period Vrms = 0.7 × Vpeak Irms = Imax x 0.707 Where I1, I2, I3. In are the instantaneous value of an alternating current and I max is the peak value of the alternating current.

PROCEDURE: 1. Output of the function generator is connected to one of the channels of CRO through a probe. AC supply to CRO is switched on and the switch in CRO is closed.

CRO is kept in dual mode and ground knobs in the two channels are enabled. Focus and intensity knobs in CRO are suitably adjusted to observe both the ground signals. If there is any problem in tracing the signal position X and Y position knobs are suitably adjusted. Function generator is switched on.

Sinusoidal quantity is chosen as the output signal. Amplitude of the sinusoidal quantity is varied and maintained at a particular value 7. Frequency of the sinusoidal quantity is varied and maintained at a particular value. The sinusoidal output of function generator is observed using CRO by enabling AC knob and disabling ground knob in the channel to which function generator is connected. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 17 P a g e 9.peak value,peak-peak value of the sinusoidal waveform are observed by noting the number of divisions in Y axis CRO monitor and the value of the voltage in the voltage base knob. Peak value and peak-peak values of the sinusoidal wave can be calculated as the product of number of divisions in Y-axis of CRO monitor and value of the voltage in the voltage base knob. CAL knob in the most anti-clockwise position.

Number of divisions in X axis of CRO monitor and value of the time in the time base knob are noted. Time period of the sinusoidal wave is obtained by multiplying the number of divisions in X axis of CRO monitor and value of the time in the time base knob. Reciprocal of the time period is the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform. Frequency can also be checked by noting the digital value in the function generator. RMS voltage of the sinusoidal wave is obtained by multiplying the peak voltage with 0.707. RESULT: Thus, Peak, RMS, peak to peak values, period and frequency of a sinusoidal voltage waveform are observed and measured by using CRO.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 18 P a g e EX.NO.2 STUDY OF LOGIC GATES AIM: To study the operation of logic gates and verify their truth table. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO COMPONENTS QUANTITY 1 Digital trainer 1 2 IC 7404(NOT gate) 1 3 IC7408(AND gate) 1 4 IC7432(OR gate) 1 5 IC7486(Ex-OR gate) 1 6 IC 7402(NOR gate) 1 7 IC 7400(NAND gate) 1 THEORY: Logic gates are digital circuits with one or more input signals and only one output Signal.

Gates are digital circuits because the input and output signals are either low or High voltages. Gates are often called logic circuits because they can be analyzed using Boolean algebra.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 19 P a g e NOT GATE: IC7404 A NOT gate has a single input and a single output. It is also called as an inverter. The output will be at logic 1 if its input is at low state, otherwise its output will be at Logic 0. Thus its output is the complement of its input.

The Boolean expression for NOT GATE Y = Ā SYMBOL PIN CONFIGURATION TRUTH TABLE INPUT OUTPUT A Y 0 1 1 0. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 20 P a g e AND GATE: IC7408 An AND gate can have two or more inputs but only one output. Its output can go to Logic 1 if all its inputs are at the high state. The Boolean expression for a two input AND gate is: Y=A.B SYMBOL PIN CONFIGURATION TRUTH TABLE Boolean expression for AND GATE Y = A.B INPUT OUTPUT A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 21 P a g e OR GATE: IC7432 An OR gate can have two or more inputs but only one output.

Its output will be at Logic 1 if any or both of its inputs are at the high state. The Boolean expression for a two input OR gate is: Y= A+B SYMBOL PIN CONFIGURATION Boolean expression for OR GATE Y = A+B TRUTH TABLE INPUT OUTPUT A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 22 P a g e EX-OR GATE: IC7486 It has two or more inputs and a single output.

The output of the EX-OR gate is high if the inputs are different and low if the inputs are same. The Boolean expression for a two input EX-OR gate is: Y = A+ B SYMBOL PIN CONFIGURATION BOOLEAN EXPRESSION Y = A+ B TRUTH TABLE NAND GATE: IC7400 It is the combination of AND gate and NOT gate. It is also called as an universal gate. The output of this gate will go to logic 0 if all its inputs are at the high state.

INPUT OUTPUT A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 23 P a g e The Boolean expression for a two input NAND gate is: Y=𝑨.


Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 24 P a g e NOR GATE: IC 7402 It is the combination of an OR gate and a NOT gate. It is also called as an universal gate.

The output of this gate will go to logic 1 if all its inputs are at the low state. The Boolean expression for a two input NOR gate is: Y=𝑨 + 𝑩̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ SYMBOL PIN CONFIGURATION. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 25 P a g e PROCEDURE: 1) Connections for all the gates namely NOT, AND, OR and EX-OR are given as per the circuit diagram. 2) Pin No.7 is connected to ground and pin No.14 is connected to +Vcc of +5V. 3) Outputs are noted for various combinations of inputs and the truth table is verified.

RESULT: Thus the logic gates are studied and their truth tables are verified. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 26 P a g e Ex.NO:3 GENERATION OF CLOCK SIGNAL AIM: To generate a clock signal using the IC 555 timer in Astable mode. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: S.NO NAME OF THE COMPONENT SPECIFICATION QUANTITY 1.

IC 555 Timer 1 2. Resistors 2.2 kΩ 3.3 kΩ 1 1 3. Capacitors 0.1μF 0.01 μF 1 1 4. Power supply 30 V 1 5. Bread board & connecting wires THEORY: Multivibrator is basically a two stage amplifier with output of one feedback to the input of the other. This integrated chip generates the clock signal of its own.

It does not require external pulse for its operation but a source. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 27 P a g e of DC power.

The width of the square wave and its frequency depend upon the circuit constants. The 555 timer has three operating modes:  Monostable mode: In this mode, the 555 functions as a 'one-shot'.

Applications include timers, missing pulse detection, bounce free switches, touch switches, frequency divider, capacitance measurement, pulse-width modulation (PWM) etc.  Astable - free running mode: The 555 can operate as an oscillator. Uses include LED and lamp flashers, pulse generation, logic clocks, tone generation, security alarms, pulse position modulation, etc.

 Bistable mode or Schmitt trigger: The 555 can operate as a flip-flop, if the DIS pin is not connected and no capacitor is used. Uses include bounce free latched switches, etc.

PIN DIAGRAM:. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 28 P a g e CIRCUIT DIAGRM: MODEL GRAPH: R1 2.2K R2 3.3K C1 0.1UF C2 0.01UF VCC= + 5 VOLTS IC 555 OUTPUT 8 7 6 2 1 5 3 4.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 29 P a g e TABULATION: X-AXIS Y-AXIS TIME(DIV) VOLT(DIV) AMPLITUDE IN VOLTS TIME IN ms OUTPUT PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram after designing suitable values of R1, R2 and C for the desired clock frequency, ON and OFF times. Pin.8 is connected to the supply. Pin.3 is connected to the CRO for observing the output clock signal.

ON and OFF times are measured from CRO. Time period and frequency are then calculated. RESULT: Thus a clock signal using the IC 555 timer is generated in Astable mode. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 30 P a g e EX.NO:4 SOLDERING PRACTICE – COMPONENTS DEVICE AND CIRCUITS AIM:  To assemble and solder the electronic components on a printed circuit board for the given circuit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.No. Components Quantity 1.

Soldering rod, Soldering lead, Flux. Signal generator 1 1 As per Circuit. As per Circuit. 1 THEORY: Printed circuit board is the base plate over which all components are mounted and soldered.

The inter connection between the components made by in metallic tracks. Etching process in PCB removes all the excess copper from the base lamination. After this only the printed pattern is left behind. A solution of 75 degree Celsius heated tap water and ferric chloride is used to remove the excess copper.

The above said solution thoroughly surrounded and speeded up the process few drops of HCL be added. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 31 P a g e COMPONENT PLACEMENT:  The placement of components affects circuit operation manufacturing case and the probability of design errors. Improper layout can be grade operation or even prevent a circuit from working. Future more, poor layout can make manufacture of the circuit boards costly and difficult. Thoughtless placement of components and complicates the design of the PCB and will increase the chance of wrong connections.  You should group circuits according to their characteristics to maintain the correct operation of each circuit.

In general follow these rules.  Group high- current circuits near the connector to isolate stray currents and near the edge of the PCB to remove heat.  Group low power and low frequency circuits away from high current and high frequency circuits.

 Group of high frequency circuits near the connector to reduce path length cross talk and noise.  Group analog circuit separately from digital logic.  Grouping components & circuits appropriately will reduce cross talk efficiently.  Careful placement of the board will make production of circuit easier and less error prone.


Determine the location and direction of the components so that a pick & place machine can easily assemble a circuit board without manual intervention.  Allow plenty of clearance around mechanical supports. It is embarrassing and costly to find a trace shorted to an enclose post or a component jammed against the card cage. If possible leave room around large and complex components for sockets on the prototype boards to speed testing and development. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 32 P a g e PROCEDURE: (i) For assembling electronic components in PCB board  Study the given electronic circuit.

 The master pattern of PCB is made on a thick sheet with a reverse carbon placed under to take the mirror image on reverse side of the sheet.  Clean the copper side of the PCB with alcoholic spirit or petrol in order to make it free from dust and contaminations.  The mirrors image of pattern is copied to the base laminate on the board with the help of ball point pen. Holes position should be marked carefully.  The copied track is marked with the help of enamel point or use silver pen.  The board is dipped in a solution of FeCl3 for some time to remove the excess copper then it should be cleaned under running water and it should be dried.

Ece Lab Manual

 The marker ink/Point is removed with the help of alcohol or petrol.  Using a driller, holes of suitable diameter are drilled on the board and then clean the hole.  Varnish coating is given on the PCB in order to prevent the oxidation.  Using Continuity tester, the board is tested for continuity. Ii) For soldering a low pass filter circuit consisting of a resistor and capacitor and checking the continuity.

 The terminal of the resistor and capacitor are thoroughly cleaned.  The joint to be made is tinned says the joint.  A soldering gun is heated using powder supply till it attains the required temperature. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 33 P a g e  Using the heated soldering gun, the tinned joint is soldered.  A small AC signal nearby or equal to 5V is applied between the terminals B & C.  Using the multimeter the continuity of the circuit is checking.

Note: If the circuit is continuous while checking beep sound will come when the multimeter is put in beep node. If the circuit is not continuous no beep sound will come. Precaution: The terminal of the components should be thoroughly cleaned also soldering care should be taken while selecting the proper size of soldering HD. SOLDERING SIMPLE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: A printed circuit board (PCB) consists of copper strips and pads bonded to a plastic board. The copper strip is the network of interconnecting conductive path. Leads of components mounted on the board are inserted through holes on the board and the conductive copper. These leads are soldered to the copper at the end of the hole.

If excessive heat is applied to copper, it may get lifted from the board or the components on the board get damaged. Soldering pencil gun of about 30 Watts is used to heat the junction. The surface of copper bonded to the board should be properly prepared and cleaned before soldering. Flux is applied on circuits and component leads. Check the conductive strips and pads on the board before soldering. Avoid excess solder to prevent two copper paths from bridging. When solder globules form on the junction area, remove them by cleaning the soldering tip using a cloth.

Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 34 P a g e CHECKING CONTINUITY: The continuity of a wire conductor without a break has practically zero ohms of resistance. Therefore, an ohmmeter may be used to test continuity. To test continuity, select the lowest ohm range. A wire may have an internal break, which is not visible due to insulation, or the wire may have a bad connection at the terminals. Checking for zero ohms between any two points tests the continuity.

A break in the conducting path is evident from the reading of infinite resistance. In a cable of wires, individual wires are identified with colors. Consider the figure, where the individual wires are not seen, but you wish to find the wire that connects to terminal A. This is done by, checking continuity of each wire to terminal A. The wire that has zero ohms is the one connected to this terminal. Continuity of a long cable may be tested by temporarily short-circuiting the other ends of the wires. The continuity of both wires may be checked for zero ohms.

In a digital multimeter, a beep mode is available to check continuity. The connectivity between the terminals is identified by the beep sound.

RESULT: Thus, the electronic components via resistor and capacitor were joined through soldering and continuity of a circuit is checked successfully. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 35 P a g e EX.NO:5 MEASUREMENT OF RIPPLE FACTOR OF HALF WAVE & FULL WAVE RECTIFIER AIM: To design half wave and full wave rectifiers filter and to measure the ripple factor. APPARATUS REQUIRED: SL.No Instruments/Components Required Type/range Quantity 1. Transformer (9-0-9)v 1 2.

Resistor 1KΩ 1 3. CRO 30 MHz 1 4. Bread board - 1 5. Connecting Wires Single Strand few THEORY: Half Wave Rectifier In a half wave rectifier only one diode is used in the secondary of the transformer, during the positive half cycle the diode conducts and only the positive portion of the input signal is delivered to the load. During the negative half cycle the diode will not conduct, since it is reverse biased and there is no output delivered to the load. Department of ECE Sub.

Ece Lab Report

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 36 P a g e Full Wave Rectifier Using Centre Tapped Transformer The full wave Centre tapped rectifier uses two diodes connected to the secondary of Centre tapped transformer. The input voltage is coupled through the transformer to the Centre tapped secondary, half of the total secondary voltage appears between the Centre tapped and each end of the secondary winding. For a positive half cycle of the input voltage, the upper diode D1 is forward biased and the lower diode D2 is reverse biased.

The current path is through D1 and load (RL), for negative half cycle of the input voltage the diode D1 is reverse biased and diode D2 is forward biased. Now the current path is through diode (D2) and resistor (RL), because of output current during both cycle is in same direction, the output voltage developed across the load resistor is a full wave rectified voltage.

Full Wave Bridge Rectifier The full wave bridge rectifier uses four diodes, when the input cycle is +ve, the diode D2 & D3 are forward biased and conducts current, the voltage is developed across RL which is the +ve half of the input cycle during this time D1 & D4 are reverse biased. When input cycle is –ve the diodes D1 & D4 are forward biased and conducts current in same direction through RL as during +ve cycle. During –ve half diode D2 & D3 are reverse biased, so a full wave rectifier output appears occurs the RL as a result of this action. Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 37 P a g e CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Half Wave Rectifier MODEL GRAPH:. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 38 P a g e Full Wave Rectifier MODEL GRAPH TABULATION INPUT: RECTIFIER TYPE AMPLITUDE TIME PERIOD HALFWAVE FULLWAVE. Department of ECE Sub.

Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 39 P a g e HALFWAVE RECTIFIER: S.NO Vm(v) Vac Vdc r = (Vac/Vdc).100 FULLWAVE RECTIFIER: S.NO Vm(v) Vac Vdc r = (Vac/Vdc).100 Rectifier type% of Ripple factor Theoretical value Practical value Half wave 121 Full wave 48 CALCULATION Half wave rectifier The RMS voltage is given by 2 V V m rms  The average dc voltage for half wave rectified output is Vdc = Vm / ∏ The ripple factor is calculated as 2 dc 2 rms 2 ac VVV  Therefore ripple factor(r)% = 100 V V dc ac . Department of ECE Sub. Code: GE6162 Lab Name: Engineering practice 40 P a g e Full wave Rectifier The RMS voltage is given by 2 V V m rms  The average dc voltage for half wave rectified output is Vdc= (2Vm) / ∏ The ripple factor is calculated as 2 dc 2 rms 2 ac VVV  Therefore ripple factor(r)% = 100 V V dc ac  PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram, with correct polarity provision given to the circuit from the transformer. The Peak voltage (Vm) is noted and the corresponding% of ripple factor(r) is calculated and compared with theoretical calculation. RESULT: Thus half wave and full wave rectifier is designed, ripple factor is measured and output is verified.

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